Worldwide Logistics

remoteness of a potential project location will always dramatically
impact upon the size and type of equipment that can be used to search
for, and then develop, a mineral deposit.
The coordination and organization of your entire project depends upon
your initial
planning, your timing, and how well your basic infrastructure is put
into place to support what you will do.
evaluation is incredibly important to establish how (and when) it is
best to move forward with a sampling program.
is vital to determine how to most-effectively develop the mineral
big part of planning these different phases will hinge upon the
availability of supplies and support-services, and how difficult or
expensive it will be to move them to the project site. It is wise during
the planning-stage, to involve experienced people who know the direct
consequences of decisions concerning logistical-matters.
Pro-Mack Mining team-members are able to help you accomplish your
initial evaluation, and advise you about the
best equipment
to use for the job. We will also assist you to develop and utilize the
most advantageous supply lines and transport systems, insuring that
food, fuel, shelter, other needed supplies, ongoing transportation,
emergency services, and communication requirements are properly met.
To view photos of some remote locations we have worked in visit the
Photo Gallery.

Past Commercial Projects
Preliminary Evaluation
Different Kinds of Sampling
for Gold in Hard-packed Streambeds